Peep and the Big Wide World Wiki

BirdOfBlueFeathers22 BirdOfBlueFeathers22 18 March 2018

Review of "An Inconvenient Tooth: Part 2"

And here's my repost of part 2!

We begin with the title card on a yellow background. It shows the three birds standing in front of one of the mounds of dirt; Quack uncertainly pats it with his left foot.

We open to see the sun just starting to come up in the meadow with the planted accorns that Beaver Boy and the birds made in part one. We pan back to see Beaver Boy asleep amid the holes. Joan gives us a quick recap: when we last saw Beaver Boy...he was doing exactly what we see him doing now.

The screen then goes wavy and yeah, we're doing another dream sequence. We start with a closeup of a crudely-drawn mound of dirt and suddenly a tree come up from it. We pan out to see a crudely drawn Beaver Boy looking at it and going, "Wow!" More grow …

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BirdOfBlueFeathers22 BirdOfBlueFeathers22 18 March 2018

"An Inconvenient Tooth: Part 1" Review

Here's another review I felt I'd move to here.

We begin with the title card on a light blue background. Beaver Boy is with the birds and holding a tree branch in his mouth, jumping up and down while the birds look confused (Peep and Chirp look at each other strangely).

We open to a sunny sky and hear Beaver Boy blabbing in a muffled voice. We pan down to see...exactly what I just described. No, seriously. They're standing on the edge of Quack's pond. Joan starts the episode by telling us that Beaver Boy is very excited about something, but is having trouble getting the words out. As he finishes Quack gives a cute nod, then stares cross-eyed in confusion, and sheepishly shakes his head, saying he didn't understand a word of that. He muses tha…

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BirdOfBlueFeathers22 BirdOfBlueFeathers22 18 March 2018

Review of "Trading Places"

Synopsis We open to a blue background, and depicted on it is Peep...with butterfly wings, flying on an abstractly drawn background of hills and flowers. And with that beautiful music from the end of "The Red Ballmoon" playing. All pointing to a very interesting episode.

We open to Peep, Quack and Newton the turtle under Newton's tree. Peep and Quack are sitting right by the tree, and Newton and Quack are eating. Joan introduces the episode by pointing out that after a big lunch of sunflower seeds (which Quack is eating, while Newton eats his apples) you have interesting thoughts. Huh. I might have to try that out sometime. Anyways, Joan points out that that's what's happening to Peep right now.

Peep sleepily asks Newton if he ever wonders wh…

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BirdOfBlueFeathers22 BirdOfBlueFeathers22 18 March 2018

Review of "The Tooth, The Whole Tooth, and Nothing But The Tooth"

Here is another repost of an episode I already reviewed (I removed it ages ago, though).

The title card begins on a light blue background. Beaver Boy is with the birds and nervously has his hands over his mouth, eventually taking them off to reveal he has a tooth missing. We open to the birds near Quack's pond. Quack has his right foot over his eyes, Peep is slowly walking near a rock, which he crouches behind (with his briefly only his right eye open), and Chirp is hopping over to a leaf, which she puts over herself. "Peep, Chirp and Quack are playing their favorite game," says Joan Cusack. "Hide and seek." Quack responds to her, saying, "Actually it's more like a game of seek. No one's good enough to hide from a duck!" His smug look is in…

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BirdOfBlueFeathers22 BirdOfBlueFeathers22 18 March 2018

Review of "Marble Mover"

It's been many months since I reviewed a Peep episode. I'm not entirely happy with my selection of reviews from last spring, so I've decided to repost all but a few of them, and maybe give some updated thoughts on them. So, without further ado, here is my review of "Marble Mover".

The episode begins with a title card on a light blue background. Peep and Quack appear to be standing at the base of a hill; as Peep watches, Quack is standing with his back to a blue marble and stretching. He then hits the marble up the hill with his butt, only for it to come rolling back down to behind him.

We open to a shot of Peep walking, entering the scene on emerging from the opposite side of a bush. He is humming to himself and looking around, and the marbl…

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